Enhancing Aquaculture Health with Enterococcus Faecium

Post by Pangoogroup on April 4, 2023

Enterococcus faecium, a type of lactic acid bacteria, boasts unique strain advantages, though its research in aquaculture remains limited.

Possessing protective barrier and nutritive functions, it can produce antibacterial substances like bacteriocins, effectively inhibiting pathogens such as Pseudomonas, Salmonella, and Shigella.

When prepared as a microbial formulation, E.faecium can be fed directly to farmed animals, promoting intestinal microecological balance and preventing intestinal flora disruption.

The organic acids, special enzymes, and bacterial surface components produced during fermentation exhibit various physiological functions.

E.faecium can break down proteins into peptides, synthesize B vitamins, and enhance macrophage activity, thus stimulating immune responses and increasing antibody levels.

This bacterium also stimulates tissue development, affecting the nutritional status, physiological functions, cellular infections, drug efficacy, toxic reactions, immune responses, and stress responses of an organism.

E.faecium can form a biofilm in animal intestines, attaching to intestinal mucosa and proliferating, thereby creating a lactic acid bacterial barrier that resists external pathogens, viruses, and mycotoxins.

It can break down some proteins into amides and amino acids, convert most carbohydrates into L-lactic acid (also known as natural or physiological lactic acid), and facilitate calcium absorption by promoting the synthesis of L-lactic acid calcium.

This bacterium can soften the fibers in feed, improve feed conversion rate and biological efficacy, reduce serum cholesterol, control endotoxins, inhibit the growth of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines, and enhance the body's immunity.

Moreover, it can produce various antibacterial substances that effectively suppress common pathogens in animals.

E.faecium has been increasingly used in aquaculture in recent years, addressing issues such as water quality deterioration, bacterial drug resistance, and drug residue.

It can inhibit pathogens, combat diseases, and maintain a balanced intestinal flora in aquatic animals.

Additionally, it can eliminate toxic substances and regulate water quality by rapidly degrading organic matter, thereby maintaining a favorable aquaculture environment.

E.faecium promotes growth and improves stress resistance by producing various nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids, organic acids, and growth factors, ultimately enhancing the overall quality and color of farmed animals.

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