Method for breeding vannamei shrimp farming

Post by Pangoogroup on January 10, 2020

Every vannamei shrimp farmer wants to achieve high production, stable production, and health in production with a minimal financial cost.

After practice, we recommend to you an economical and scientific breeding model.

It will help vannamei shrimp to increase the success rate of breeding, and you can achieve high yields.

Step 1: Site selection

The terrain is flat, and the bottom material is preferably muddy or sandy.

At the same time, the sea and freshwater are easy to obtain, and the water quality is clean.

At the same time, there should be sufficient power supply.

The bottom of the pond is required to be flat, and the silt should not be too thick.

Step 2: Shrimp pond construction

1) Shape

Prefer a circular or near-circular shrimp pond

Under the effect of the booster, the pool water can form a circulating flow.

It is conducive to remove waste in the pool.

However, to improve land utilization, most shrimp ponds are still built as rectangular or square.

2) Area

Built a large pool with the right conditions.

The general area is 10-20 acres or built a small pond in poor conditions.

The general area is 3-5 acres, which is easy to manage.

3) The bottom of the pool

The bottom of the pool is flat and compact and covers some mulch when conditions permit.

Slight incline toward the center of the bottom like a pot bottom.

And set a drainage pipe in the center of the bottom of the pool to facilitate drainage and drain the pool water.

4) Depth

The depth of the pond is mostly 2 to 2.5 meters, and the water depth is 1.5 to 2 meters after entering the water.

5) Reservoir

When constructing a pool where the water source is polluted,
to build a water storage treatment pool in the corresponding area.

Step 3: clearing the pond and eliminating harm

After harvesting shrimp, a lot of amount of organic matter such as sludge, feces, baits, animal carcasses at the bottom of the pond.

It is an important cause of shrimp pond aging, water quality deterioration, and shrimp disease.

Therefore, you must remove them completely before stocking.

Usually, use manual or mechanical to remove the surface silt.

After removed, 75-100 kilograms of quicklime per acre are sprinkled all over the pond.

Step 4: the selection of shrimp fry

Selection criteria:

The surface of healthy shrimp seedlings is clean and shiny, the limbs and feet are completely separated from the tail fan, the shrimp body does not turn white and red, and it does not emit fluorescence at night.

When scooped up with a water scoop, the shrimp fry can quickly swim to the side of the scoop and stand still next to the scoop.

Stir the scoop with your fingers in a circle to swim against the water.

It is better to observe that the two tentacles of the shrimp fry can be close together, or to occasionally separate and merge.

If the two tentacles are often separated, or even cannot bring them together, the health of the shrimp fry is poor.

Step 5: feeding time and amount

Vannamei shrimp were fed two times a day during the early stage of aquaculture, that is, 8 am and 8 pm;

Three times a day during the medium period of aquaculture, that is, 8 am, 7 pm, and 11 pm;

Feeding 4 times a day during the rearing period, that is, 7 pm, 12 pm, 7 pm and 0 pm

The daily feeding amount was 8.1% of the total shrimp weight in the early stage, 6.8% in the middle stage, and 4% ~ 5% in the later stage.

Sprinkle evenly at the pond side during feeding, and the feeding amount at night accounts for 50% of the total daily feeding amount. Add Clostridium butyricum to the mix to prevent intestinal problems.

Step 6: water quality adjustment

The water color of the vannamei shrimp pond is preferably tan.

In the early stage of cultivation, control the transparency at about 30 cm, and at the later stage, about 40 cm.

During the breeding period, You can use PANGOO product "PH Conditioner" once two weeks, which stabilizes the water quality.

Step 7: disease control

Once vannamei shrimp becomes ill, it is difficult to cure and base on prevention.

Precautionary method: use bioaqua, sprinkle directly into the pond.

This product can Remove toxins and the harmful gas caused by ammonia nitrogen, nitrite, hydrogen sulfide, methane, etc.

Bioaqua is a natural pond water cleaner/fish & shrimp natural health booster.


Vannamei is cultivating for 65-80 days, with a size of 60-70 grams, and can sell on the market.

You can use the shrimp cage for catching or dry pond catching.

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